3 Meaningful Ways You Can Give

small gift with bow

As we approach the holiday and year-end giving season, you’ll inevitably be bombarded with opportunities to give. With all the disasters and hardship around the globe, the need has never been greater for generosity and selfless giving.


“Charity begins at home.”


Starting with your own family, and spreading through your community, your giving will have a ripple effect. One of our community’s biggest concerns must be the children who end up in foster care. What we do for them today will impact them in ways we can only imagine, affecting future generations.

Here we offer three important ways that anyone can help, depending on your circumstances.


#1 – Become a Foster Parent


black silhouette of family with 3 kids


There is a desperate need for foster parents. Every day, in California alone, over 100 children enter an overwhelmed system. Opening your heart and home to a foster child fills the greatest need — the need for love and security. Yes, it’s hard work (parenting is hard work). But ask any foster parent, and they’ll tell you, it’s so worth it.

By calling to arrange an orientation meeting, you can begin to explore whether fostering is right for you. We can conduct our initial orientations in one-on-one private meetings or group Q&A sessions. We want to get to know you and give you the opportunity to share your concerns and get all your questions answered.


#2 – Be a Mentor or Tutor

Not everyone can foster, and that’s ok. But every foster child needs loving, patient adults in their life that can help mold and guide them. Due to past abuse and neglect, foster children have a much higher risk of failing in school and life. By teaching a child new skills, you increase their self-worth and provide hope for a brighter future.

woman with arm around girl's shoulder

You can: 

•help with homework

hands with plant sprout

•teach sewing 

•teach cooking

•teach mechanical repairs

•offer coaching

•share a garden

•train in animal care

•provide art or craft lessons

•…and so much more!

Share your passion! Whatever you’re good at can be something valuable to a foster child. Call our office to inquire about getting started.


#3 – Give Financial Help 

There are several ways to use your finances to help children in need.

1. Donate Useful Items. Foster youth often come with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They stack of bedding linensarrive at their new home without a day’s notice. New and gently used clothing, toys, and furnishings are always a huge blessing. You can donate stuffed animals, blankets, diapers, personal care items, food, and all the other things every child needs to feel safe and secure. A simple call to our office is all it takes to arrange for pick-up or drop-off. (See our blog on supporting a foster parent)


2. Give to the kids. You will find a donate button on our website, or you canmail a check to the office. This money is used specifically for the needs of the children. We use these funds to buy birthday and Christmas gifts, to give parties, to assist with graduation expenses, and other enrichment services. If you have a particular need at heart, simply specify, and we’ll see that the money applies to the need you intended.

Donate today button

3. Be a supporter of the agency. Non-profits run on very tight budgets. While donations go directly to the kids, there is a need for agency support as well. Whether it’s office supplies, software support, or facility upgrades, every donation to the agency frees up other funds for better services to our kids and families. Our goal is to expand into our surrounding communities in order to meet the growing need for foster care, and financial backing will be crucial. Donors that support the agency allow us to grow and serve more families in greater ways.

We’re here for you

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We are dedicate to serving our foster kids and families. We are so grateful to the caring, compassionate adults who partner with us to better the lives of our kids.

blonde child smiling back at camera while holding adult hand

Call us today at 951-735-5300 for more information on ways you can help.


Thank you!

Article written by Cindy White Horvath. She can be reached at cindy@avgffa.org