When you donate
Normalcy. It’s something many young people in the foster care system lack. When you donate to our “Light Up A Life” fund, you provide normalcy to kids through activities like movie night, summer camp, scouts, music class, or team sports.
Your donations help a teenager buy the shoes they need to start their new job, or participate in group events, or even purchase their cap and gown for graduation.
Your donations lift a foster child out of despair and into normalcy, happiness, and success.
Our Annual Events
Here at Avant-Garde, we love to celebrate our families and kids through various annual events such as:
- Summer Picnics
- Christmas Parties
- Graduation Events
- Birthday Parties
All donations designated for the kids go directly to the kids.
Partner With Us to Grow
As a non-profit, we operate on a very tight budget. We welcome donors, both corporate and individuals, who are willing to partner with us to:
- help expand our agency into more communities where the needs of the children can be better met. More growth, more foster homes, and the more kids can be served.
- keep our facilities at the highest possible standards of repair for the safety of staff and visitors.
- further develop more programs such as mentoring, vocational training, and teen support groups.
Call our office at 951-735-5300 to find out how you can help through a one-time donation or ongoing agency support.
Avant-Garde FFA is a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization. Donations are tax deductible. For more information, speak with your financial advisor.